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– January 18-29, 2021 –

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Event Schedule

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Though the Live session schedule is now wrapped up, these sessions are now available for you to view on-demand at your leisure.

To see the rich content keynote and regional sessions that are available, please take a look at the schedule below.

Wednesday, January 27 to Friday, January 29

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On demand sessions are available for you to watch at your leisure.

Now On-Demand at SMART360!

Tune in on SMART360 to catch the recordings of these insightful discussions:

Sessions from Monday, Jan 18

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The Summit Launches with Learnit
with Laurie Forcier, Chief Global Content Officer at Learnit
Learnit’s mission is to create a better world by catalyzing change in education globally. We are excited to unite our global education community at SMART 360 with Learnit leading us in an intellectually honest conversation about the current state of learning. With new waves of lockdowns and remote learning a reality around the world, we will discuss how we can continue to revolutionize education right now. No matter what.
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SMART Board iQ med unika funktioner. Vi visar möjligheterna med SMART Board iQ
Jörgen Isaksson och Karin Lind, SMARTKlubben/Netsmart AB
Omvandla PDF, PowerPoint och Google-dokument till interaktiva lektioner med spelbaserade övningar, gemensamma arbetsytor, digitala prov mm. Följ elevernas arbete och ge återkoppling i realtid. Aktivera dina elever både i klassrummet och på distans med SMART Learning Suite, integrerad med Google for Education, Microsoft Teams och Zoom.
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Daily Capabilities of SMART: Upskilling Maths and Science staff in using SMART and Microsoft Teams
Ian Stuart, Education Professional, Microsoft
SMART Learning Suite Online fully integrates with Microsoft Teams. It empowers all teachers, including those who teach Maths and Science, to take their existing content and deliver active lessons. As well as showcasing the benefits of using SMART and Microsoft, this session will also address the importance of having a robust implementation plan.
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En classe, en ligne, en synchrone, ou en asynchrone: retours d'expériences de confinement
Enseignants du primaire et du secondaire de Belgique, du Canada, des Pays-Bas et de France
Apprenez comment des enseignants de francophonie se sont confrontés à la pandémie, ont modifié leurs façons de faire, leurs pratiques pédagogiques, et ont réussi à faire travailler leurs élèves en modes synchrones, asynchrones et en hybride, en deux ou trois coups de cuillère à pot à relever les défis.
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Estructuras tecnocooperativas con SLSO
Luisa Cuadrado y Naiara Arteta, Docentes y SMART Ambassadors
A causa de la situación actual el profesorado se ve obligado a prescindir de actividades grupales o por parejas. En esta ponencia se explica como se pueden adaptar estructuras tradicionales de aprendizaje cooperativo a esta realidad usando para ello SLSO
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Las emociones y la educación digital
José Luis Castaño Pérez, SMART Technologies
El foco en el estudiante como ser humano y persona, el trabajo de la empatía, las emociones y demás aspectos que salen del concepto puro academicista son elementos que cada vez estaban cogiendo peso en la educación que hasta ahora conocíamos. ¿Cómo influyen las tecnologías en estos temas? ¿Es posible trabajar las emociones, conseguir una relación entre humanos en un modelo educativo digital y en remoto?

Sessions from Tuesday, January 19

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Together We Thrive - SEL for Educators
Joshua Freedman, Six Seconds, Ginny Washburne, She Thrives & Giancarlo Brotto, Catalyst
The pandemic has revealed how important it is to incorporate social and emotional learning strategies for students to cultivate a safe and welcoming learning environment. But how do we foster wellbeing for our educators? What tools and resources do they need to strengthen their resilience and combat burnout? Joshua from Six Seconds, Ginny from SheThrives, and Giancarlo from Catalyst invite you to join other K-12 educators in this Catalyst Session™ to engage you in authentic dialogue and to co-construct a shared output that will serve you, your school system, and the education community at large.
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SMART Board iQ med unika funktioner. Vi visar möjligheterna med SMART Board iQ
Jörgen Isaksson och Karin Lind, SMARTKlubben/Netsmart AB
Omvandla PDF, PowerPoint och Google-dokument till interaktiva lektioner med spelbaserade övningar, gemensamma arbetsytor, digitala prov mm. Följ elevernas arbete och ge återkoppling i realtid. Aktivera dina elever både i klassrummet och på distans med SMART Learning Suite, integrerad med Google for Education, Microsoft Teams och Zoom.
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Daily SMART Session: How the SMART Desktop solution can be used when delivering the Arts
Mark Hartwright, SMART Technologies
SMART Learning Suite software is available on a Windows, MacOS, a SMART Board and in the cloud. It empowers all teachers, including those who teach the Arts, to take their existing content and deliver active lessons. As well as showcasing the benefits of using the SMART Solution, this session will also address the importance of having a robust implementation plan.
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Content is King: So finde ich gute Unterrichtsmaterialien und wende sie an
Dr. Anita Stangl, Gesellschafter-Geschäftsführerin der Medien LB
Schulen, Eltern und Lernende warten auf flächendeckenden, interaktiven, zeitgemäßen Unterricht. Dafür braucht es neben technischer Ausstattung vor allem die pädagogischen Voraussetzungen und passenden digitalen Content. Deshalb stellen die MedienLB und SMART Technologies rund 500 interaktive Unterrichtseinheiten und Arbeitsblätter kostenfrei online zur Verfügung. Die Materialien wurden von Pädagoginnen und Pädagogen erarbeitet, sind lehrplankonform und haben sich bereits im Unterricht bewährt. Außerdem sind die Inhalte komplett rechtefrei. So können sich Lehrkräfte auf ihre Kernaufgaben konzentrieren und müssen sich nicht um Bildrechte oder andere juristische Fragestellungen kümmern, wenn sie interaktive digitale Inhalte verwenden und neue Methoden ausprobieren.
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Our Global Digital Promise for 2021
Dewayne J. McClary, Digital Promise, Dr. Susan Enfield, Highline Public School, Dr. Baron Davis, Richland School District Two, Dr. Roberto Padilla, Newburgh Enlarged City School District
Discuss learning and leadership practices that will continue to improve student outcomes in 2021 - no matter what. Dewayne J. McClary from Digital Promise will host this conversation with the most forward-thinking leaders from the League of Innovative Schools.
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Neurofelicidad: evolución humana y calidad de vida
Santiago Restrepo, Psicólogo y especialista en Psicología Organizacional
Los Seres Humanos estamos diseñados biologicamente para vivir en felicidad, la evolución nos ha dotado de neuroestructuras para ser felices, pero es decisión personal hacerlo o no hacerlo
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Enseigner en classe et à distance en un tour de main avec SLSO, alias Classlab
Enseignants du primaire et du secondaire de Belgique, du Canada, des Pays-Bas et de France
Apprenez d'enseignants expérimentés comment démarrer un cours en un rien de temps depuis n'importe où et de motiver vos élèves où qu'ils se trouvent et quel que soit leur appareil connecté : au tableau, sur tablette, sur Smartphone ou depuis un ordinateur.
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Estructuras tecnocooperativas con SLSO
Luisa Cuadrado y Naiara Arteta, Docentes y SMART Ambassadors
A causa de la situación actual el profesorado se ve obligado a prescindir de actividades grupales o por parejas. En esta ponencia se explica como se pueden adaptar estructuras tradicionales de aprendizaje cooperativo a esta realidad usando para ello SLSO.
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Edshift: Scaffolding Collaboration for Primary Students
Kris Astle and Matt Wallace, SMART Technologies
Collaboration promotes higher level thinking as well as boosting student self-esteem. Join us to talk about how collaboration benefits primary students and learn strategies for introducing them to and developing their collaborative skills.
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Leading Professional Learning in 2021: How to create a supportive learning environment for educators?
Steve Clark, Teaching & Learning with Technologies
Leading professional learning in one of Canada’s largest school divisions is challenging at the best of times, let alone during a pandemic. Throughout 2020, our team dealt with not only huge budget cuts but also the challenge of sending 125 000 students home to finish the year learning from home. We learned some valuable lessons that will shape future decisions in the CBE. Join Steve Clark as he shares some of his most important lessons as well as some of the big and small successes and celebrations that his team has experienced over the last year.

Sessions from Wednesday, January 20

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Opening & the Usage of IT and Blended Learning Across the World
Joris Jeurlink, SMART Technologies and Giancarlo Brotto, Catalyst
Blended and hybrid learning has fast become the new normal for schools and learners everywhere around the world, but how well are we coping with this unexpected disruption?
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Hoe laat ik mijn personeel snel switchen tussen onderwijs op school, onderwijs op afstand of een combinatie van beiden
Joris Jeurlink, SMART Technologies
Het blijft onduidelijk of de leerlingen op school thuis of in een gemixte vorm les gaan krijgen de aankomende tijd. In deze workshop wordt u getoond hoe uw leraren eenvoudig kunnen switchen van de ene vorm naar de andere door gebruik te maken van hun bestaande materiaal dat interactief wordt via SMART Learning Suite Online
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Op weg naar een open, flexibele en hybride leeromgeving
Dieter Möckelmann, Spreker en oprichter Like2Share / Like2Teach
Op 15 maart kwam de aankondiging, de scholen gingen sluiten. Binnen 3 dagen werd ICT hét middel om het onderwijs door te laten gaan.Wat zegt dat over school, onderwijs en leren? Is hybride onderwijs 24/7 'aan staan'? Waarom mag dit niet meer terug naar het oude?Graag neem ik u mee in deze transitie en ga ik met u in gesprek over de kansen en kanttekeningen.
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Lesgeven met Snappet
Milou van der Weele, Snappet
Alles weten over adaptief onderwijs? Leer meer over lesgeven met Snappet. Ontdek hoe u: • hoe de lesopbouw in Snappet zorgt voor instructie volgens het directe instructiemodel • hoe leerlingen lesstof adaptief verwerken zonder dat dit een leerkracht veel tijd kost • hoe een leerkracht het overzicht houdt, zelfs als de leerlingen opgaven op maat krijgen • wat dit inzicht een leerkracht, IB’er of directeur kan brengen • hoe iedere leerkracht het leerresultaat van iedere leerling kan verbeteren.
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SMART Board iQ med unika funktioner. Vi visar möjligheterna med SMART Board iQ
Jörgen Isaksson och Karin Lind, SMARTKlubben/Netsmart AB
Omvandla PDF, PowerPoint och Google-dokument till interaktiva lektioner med spelbaserade övningar, gemensamma arbetsytor, digitala prov mm. Följ elevernas arbete och ge återkoppling i realtid. Aktivera dina elever både i klassrummet och på distans med SMART Learning Suite, integrerad med Google for Education, Microsoft Teams och Zoom.
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De aanschaf van een nieuw digibord: waar moet je op letten
Robin Schoonderwoerd and Joris Jeurlink, SMART Technologies
Bij de aanschaf van een nieuw digibord komt heel wat kijken. Waar moet je nou echt op letten? En hoe zorg je ervoor dat je het beste uit je investering haalt?
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Is your edtech leading or lagging? The importance of strategic planning for schools and systems
Frank Catalano, Executive & Author, Sir Mark Grundy, Shireland Collegiate Academy Trust and Marc Plevinsky, Cherry Hill Public Schools
Is your edtech helping improve student learning? Discover tools to complete a comprehensive self-assessment based on research from ISTE, OECD, CASEL, and others. Ranging from topics of leadership to integration, school leaders can understand where they can prioritize action for better connection & outcomes. Hear real-life examples and discussion with leaders who have put these insights into action and the impact it has had on their learning communities.
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SMART Learning Suite Online App mit Microsoft-Teams: So gelingt interaktiver Unterricht auf Distanz
Peter Dammenhayn, SMART Technologies
In diesem Online-Seminar erfahren Sie, wie Sie interaktive Unterrichtseinheiten direkt in Microsoft Teams erstellen, teilen und gemeinsam mit der Klasse bearbeiten können.
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Daily SMART Session: Upskilling English and Languages staff in using SMART and Google for Education
Mark Hartwright, SMART Technologies
SMART Learning Suite Online is fully integrated into Google for Education. It empowers all teachers, including those who teach English and Languages, to take their existing content and deliver active lessons. As well as showcasing the benefits of using SMART and Google for Education, this session will also address the importance of having a robust implementation plan.
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How to Implement Effective and Bespoke Learning Opportunities during Lockdown and Beyond
Sarah Morgan, Pheasey Training School, Sally Lanni and Louise EvesonClass, Pheasey Park Farm Primary School
Pheasey Park Farm Primary School is an Ed Tech Demonstrator School and share how, since Lockdown 1, they have further developed their in School and Remote Learning Offer by using a range of software including SMART to provide effective synchronous and asynchronous teaching and learning opportunities.
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Hang on, we knew this already! with Professor Stephen Heppell
Professor Stephen Heppell
2020 was, in many ways, a fork in the road for education. From policymakers to school students it was apparent that the new normal would not be the old normal. Looking back from 2021 it's clear that all the pieces of the New Learning jigsaw were there already, and we had known about many of them for some time. Putting those pieces together to show what learning will look like next is the focus of this keynote.
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Gamificando la comprensión lectora
Maricruz Martín BenitoMaestra de Educación Primaria y directora del CEIP Juan Aguado de La Torre de Esteban Hambrán (Toledo)
Con esta ponencia se pretende mostrar el Programa de Mejora de La fluidez y la comprensión lectora del alumnado a través de las herramientas de Smart que se está realizando en el CEIP Juan Aguado a través de diversos grupos de trabajo.
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Aprendizaje híbrido en tiempos de la Covid19: experiencia a marchas forzadas
Gonzalo GarcíaCoordinador TIC de SEK-Atlántico, profesor de Matemáticas y Física en SEK-Atlántico
Desde el confinamiento del curso pasado, los escenarios de aprendizaje han ido cambiando a una velocidad casi irreal. La comunidad educativa (alumn@s, profesor@s y familias) hemos debido adaptarnos a una realidad cambiante e imprevisible. Se presentarán distintas experiencias de aprendizaje desarrolladas durante los diferentes escenarios, desde el 100% presencial hasta el HyFlex actual, desde la perspectiva del Departamento de Tecnología para la Educación del SEK International School Atlántico (Poio – Pontevedra.
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Ready? Set. SMART: Getting Started with SMART Learning Suite Online
Jody Bean, SMART Technologies
Learn how to use SMART Learning Suite Online to transform content in five easy steps. Create active learning experiences to deliver smoothly across any web-enabled student device.
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Edshift: Creating Safe Collaboration Spaces to Develop Student Voice
Kris Astle and Matt Wallace, SMART Technologies
Collaboration doesn't come naturally to students, but actively teaching them this skill promotes deeper learning and strengthens their self-esteem. Participants will learn about how collaboration boosts learning and how it can be intregrated into instruction in a way that promotes student voice as they develop their collaborative problem solving skills.

Sessions from Thursday, January 21

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Catalyst Sessions - Nordics
- invite only -
Session topics include: Strategies for coping with blended and hybrid learning, Assessment, School System EdTech Capabilities, Integration of Microsoft and Google platforms
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SMART Board iQ med unika funktioner. Vi visar möjligheterna med SMART Board iQ
Jörgen Isaksson och Karin Lind, SMARTKlubben/Netsmart AB
Omvandla PDF, PowerPoint och Google-dokument till interaktiva lektioner med spelbaserade övningar, gemensamma arbetsytor, digitala prov mm. Följ elevernas arbete och ge återkoppling i realtid. Aktivera dina elever både i klassrummet och på distans med SMART Learning Suite, integrerad med Google for Education, Microsoft Teams och Zoom.
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Daily SMART Session: Upskilling English and Languages staff in using SMART and Microsoft Teams
Mark Hartwright, SMART Technologies
SMART Learning Suite Online is fully integrated into Microsoft Teams. It empowers all teachers, including those who teach English and Languages, to take their existing content and deliver active lessons. As well as showcasing the benefits of using SMART and Microsoft, this session will also address the importance of having a robust implementation plan.
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Ready for Anything: Remote Teaching and Learning for 2021 - Global Roundtable with SMART Ambassadors and SMART Exemplary Schools
Panellists from Canada, UK, Germany, France, USA and Spain
In this session, practice meets theory for remote learning in 2021. School leaders from across the globe will discuss how they have tackled the challenges of leading teaching and learning in their schools during this time of a pandemic. Using research-based insights from OECD, CASTEL, and the SMART Technologies EdTech Assessment results, we’ll discuss how true experiences fair versus what the research tells us. Join in for this and insightful discussion and come away with the strategies and tools you need to be ready for anything in 2021.
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¿Qué es un Club TED-Ed, por qué montar uno en tu escuela y cómo liderarlo a distancia?
Nacho Santa-María Megía, Matemático por la UCM y Gestor de la Innovación por la ULPGC
En un Club TED-Ed, los alumnos exploran sus pasiones e ideas para acabar compartiendo en una breve charla "tipo TED" una idea propia que sea inspiradora. En esta presentación comparto mis tres años de experiencia liderando Clubs TED-Ed y cómo conseguí llevar uno desde casa durante el confinamiento gracias a SMART Learning Suite Online.
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Using what we know about the Science of Learning in all classrooms
Alice Cornish, Better Purpose and Giancarlo Brotto, Global Education Catalyst
Join this Catalyst Session™ with the creators of The Science of Learning Report, Catalyst Ambassadors, and other leaders as you together begin to explore common misconceptions in teaching and learning how these misconceptions can be unpicked and prevented in school environments.
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What is a TED-Ed Club, why setting up one in your school and how to lead it from home?
Nacho Santa-María Megía, Matemático por la UCM y Gestor de la Innovación por la ULPGC
Students inside a TED-Ed TED-Ed Club explore their passions and ideas to end up sharing an inspiring idea of their own in a TED-style Talk. With this presentation I share my three years of experience leading TED-Ed Clubs and how I managed to run one from home during our confinement thanks to SMART Learning Suite Online.
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EdShift: Creating opportunities for deep collaboration and higher order thinking
Kris Astle and Matt Wallace, SMART Technologies
Collaborative problem solving not only promotes higher level thinking but is a skill sought after by many employers. And yet PISA 2018 showed that only a small percentage of our students graduate with these skills. This webinar will talk about the pedagogy behind collaborative learning and activities that can easily be worked into everyday instruction to develop this skills in high school students.

Sessions from Friday, January 22

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SMART Board iQ med unika funktioner. Vi visar möjligheterna med SMART Board iQ
Omvandla PDF, PowerPoint och Google-dokument till interaktiva lektioner med spelbaserade övningar, gemensamma arbetsytor, digitala prov mm. Följ elevernas arbete och ge återkoppling i realtid. Aktivera dina elever både i klassrummet och på distans med SMART Learning Suite, integrerad med Google for Education, Microsoft Teams och Zoom.
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Daily SMART Session: Upskilling Maths and Science staff in using SMART and Google for Education
Mark Hartwright, SMART Technologies
SMART Learning Suite Online is fully integrated into Google for Education. It empowers all teachers, including those who teach Maths and Science, to take their existing content and deliver active lessons. As well as showcasing the benefits of using SMART and Google for Education, this session will also address the importance of having a robust implementation plan.
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What needs to happen for a more connected future
Tony Wan, Managing Editor, EdSurge; Mark Martin MBE; Nicholas Svensson, CEO, SMART Technologies; Sakon Kieh, Director of Education Technology, District of Columbia Public Schools.
In 2021, educators, school and district leaders, and technology providers grappling with the pandemic will continue to innovate and to accelerate changes in our classrooms. Join us for Global EDU’s plenary session, during which Tony Wan, co-founder and Managing Editor of EdSurge, will moderate a discussion between SMART CEO Nicholas Svensson, District of Columbia Public Schools Educational Technology Director Sakon Kieh, and computer science teacher and beloved speaker Mark Martin (a.k.a., @Urban_Teacher) on how the pandemic has accelerated the integration of technology into pedagogy, and on how learning will continue to be transformed in 2021 and beyond.
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Trabajando la comprensión lectora con SMART
María Ángeles García-Asenjo
Un ejemplo de cómo trabajar la comprensión lectora en Primaria gracias a las actividades interactivas de SMART Learning Suite.
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EdTech Innovation Showcase of the Year: The technology that will help you connect in better ways in 2021
Jeremy Adney and Sarah Richards, SMART Technologies
Technology has the power to connect us with students, inspire their learning, and illuminate their progress. Regardless of when, where, and how we teach, with the right tools, we can create more active and connected learning experiences for all students. In this session, you’ll see SMART’s latest innovations in action and learn how they help leverage devices, content, and platforms to create active learning experiences everywhere learning happens. Experience firsthand the game-changing new features of SMART's web-based software and interactive displays through the lens of a student. In this session, we’ll pull you into lessons that show inspiring new ways to support pedagogy across all classroom environments, empower remote, synchronous, and asynchronous learning, bridge physical and digital learning, develop global competencies in students, and much more. This will be an epic showcase that you won’t want to miss!
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SLSO + Gsuite
José Luis Castaño Pérez, SMART Technologies
Conoce el funcionamiento de SMART Learning Suite Online (SLSO) integrado con GSuite para educación.

Monday, January 25

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Hybrid Learning: What's working and what's next?
Christine Major, CEO, and Sean Gardner , Founder GLUU
Join GLUU for this open session focused on sharing practice and the emergence of potential pathways forward. This will be an honest discussion about the opportunities (and the challenges!) for remote and in-school teaching and learning. We’ll explore the evolving education landscape and what’s emerging as successful practice.We’ll be exploring 2 key themes: 1. What is hybrid learning and should it form an integral part of our education offer into the future? If so why? How? What might the benefits and barriers be?2. Schools of the future: How might hybrid learning change our schools, what would a curriculum look like? How could we support children’s wellbeing when they are out of school?
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En classe, en ligne, en synchrone, ou en asynchrone : retours d'expériences de confinement
Enseignants du primaire et du secondaire de Belgique, du Canada, des Pays-Bas et de France
Découvrez comment des enseignants francophones du monde entier ont dû lutter contre les pandémies, changer de façon de faire et réussir, en 2 ou 3 coups de queue d'agneau!
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Taller de actividades SLS en Infantil (creación e interacción en el aula y en Microsoft Teams)
Equipo Educación Infantil Julio Verne School
Taller sobre la creación de recursos con la Smart Learning Suite en Infantil y cómo interacciona el alumnado con estos recursos tanto en aula como en casa mediante la compartición de las actividades por Microsoft Teams con el alumnado.
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La nueva educación híbrida en las aulas
Mesa redonda y preguntas con profes de SMART Exemplary Schools
Representantes de las SMART Exemplary School de España participan en esta mesa redonda. Se abordarán cuestiones relativas a la tecnología educativa y el papel que desempeña en el nuevo modelo de educación híbrida.

Tuesday, January 26

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Hybrid learning: what’s working and where to start. Sharing practice from the experience.
Christine Major, CEO, and Sean Gardner, Founder, Tute and TRN
The ‘the pilot’ was born during lockdown but it’s development was founded in 20 years of pioneering EdTech practice and online teaching experience from across the Shireland Collegiate Academy Trust. It brought together a taskforce of teachers and global industry partners to collaborate around the shared goal of protecting the academic and pastoral needs of our students, and supporting colleagues in other schools as they made the transition to online provision. It worked! In this session we’ll explore the challenges, the enablers, what worked, what we’d do differently and what we can share now. Benefits of Participation: 1. Reflection - consider the learning from the education system's reaction to a remote learning environment 2. Collaboration and connection - enquire with others and make connections for ongoing collaboration 3. Strategic thinking - stimulated by education and the EdTech industry, consider and plan your 'hybrid learning' next steps, for Covid-19 and beyond
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Staying Personal & Authentic in the Midst of Adversity
Tom Murray, Director of Innovation, Future Ready Schools
2020 has brought uncertainty at every turn. Opening this school year in the midst of a global pandemic has created significant anxiety and a loss of sleep for all educators, regardless of position. As we lead through uncertainty, how can we create a culture where both students and staff can thrive? How can we work to overcome fear and fail forward when things don't go as planned? How can we best leverage the things that we still control? Regardless of what happens outside our school walls, together we can work to create meaningful opportunities for those we serve when we hyper-focus on the things that matter most. The work is hard, but our kids are worth it!
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Enseigner en classe et à distance en un tour de main avec SLSO, alias Classlab
Enseignants du primaire et du secondaire de Belgique, du Canada, des Pays-Bas et de France
Des enseignants expérimentés vous expliquent comment créer une leçon en un rien de temps n'importe où en impliquant les élèves où qu'ils soient, quel que soit l'appareil: au tableau, sur une tablette, un smartphone ou avec un ordinateur.
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Crea un vídeo con tu dispositivo móvil (Quik)
Ramón Madrigal, Maestro de Audición y Lenguaje en el IES Albalat
Cómo hacer vídeos de eventos educativos con dispositivos móviles de manera rápida y sencilla.
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Trabajo de las emociones a través de Notebook
Aritza Goitia, Maestra en el CEIP Arturo Duo de Castro Urdiales, Cantabria
La importancia de las emociones en la educación es un una muestra de cómo trabajar la emociones con los más pequeños a través de SLSO


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Explore how the right tech tools can support the outcomes looking for while freeing up educators time and energy.

Discover ideas and solutions for delivering assessments, enabling social-emotional learning, and planning for blended learning.


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