Light up Learning with Lumio
July PD 2024

We hope you had a blast at Lumio Palooza, connecting with fellow educators and celebrating innovative teaching strategies with Lumio. Thank you so much for your participation!
The festivities might be over, but the learning continues! Find all the session recordings and follow-up resources below to keep the Lumio party going in your classroom all year long.
Session recordings
Weren't able to attend live, but still want to earn PD hours? No problem! All sessions are available at the Lumio Academy in the Lumio Palooza Learning course. Enroll in the course, watch the recordings of your choice, complete the associated short quizzes, and earn your certificates.
Need help registering for The Academy? Find instructions here!
Looking for the recording of a session that was not in English? Find the recording with the follow up resources below.
Follow up resources
Hoping to reuse an activity you saw in a session? Save the Lumio files below to your My Library.
Day 1 sessions
Become a Lumio Ambassador Today!
Presented by Michelle Conway, Professional Development Specialist from Little Egg Harbor, New Jersey
Bring your passion for education and join us to see what the Lumio Ambassador community is all about. In this session, we'll create a Lumio activity and apply today to Lumio’s Global Professional Learning Network!
Comprehension and Vocabulary Development with Lumio
Creating Mathematicians with Lumio in the Upper Elementary Classroom
Engage to empower: Give students more to DO!!!
Presented by Odessa Hilton, math teacher from Columbia, South Carolina
As educators we love to talk, the more we talk the less our students learn. Let's use the activities embedded in Lumio to give students more to DO. Confucius said: "I HEAR, and I FORGET, I SEE, and I REMEMBER, I DO and I UNDERSTAND."
Everyone is SPECIAL!
Presented by Liisa Adkins, Education Consultant from Gaborone, Botswana
Join us for a showcase of how Lumio and its various tools and games cater to Special Education Needs as well as the needs of a range of students, taking into account reading ability, Math concepts and learners who need a bit of reinforcement to grasp concepts. In other words, Lumio ensures NO CHILD IS LEFT BEHIND!
Excelling in Literature Review Writing with Lumio
Presented by Dr. Inci Toral, Business Education Research and Scholarship Convenor from Birmingham, UK
Writing the literature review for a research project is always challenging. The term literature review may be misleading, yet it is one of the core concepts that needs to be nailed down before going ahead with the project. What would be better than evaluating short texts through Lumio's Shout it Out! activities to excel in this process? Intended Audience: University Students (undergraduate and postgraduate).
Gamify Learning with Handouts!
Presented by Audrey Bourgeois, Technology Integration Coach from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
This session covers ways to foster collaboration and critical thinking with the use of handouts for gamification. As a former World Language teacher, I have used common games like Battleship, Guess Who, Connect 4, and more to engage learners. Built-in answer keys allow for students to reflect and self-assess. These activities could be modified to fit the needs of multiple content areas or grade levels.
Getting Started with Lumio
Interactive Math with Lumio for Secondary Educators
Presented by Michelle Conway, Professional Development Specialist from Little Egg Harbor, New Jersey
Welcome to "Interactive Math with Lumio" – a dynamic professional development session designed for secondary educators ready to transform their math instruction. In this immersive journey, participants will discover the power of Lumio's interactive features to engage students in meaningful mathematical exploration.
Interactive Storytime with Engaging Read Alouds in Lumio
Presented by Michelle Grinberg, Professional Development Specialist from Phoenix, Arizona
Step into the world of interactive storytelling with "Interactive Storytime: Engaging Read-Alouds in Lumio." In this captivating session, educators will embark on a journey through Lumio's immersive platform, exploring how it enhances the read-aloud experience for young learners.
Kinderactive: Interactive ideas for Little Learners with Lumio
Presented by Devon Caldwell, Kindergarten teacher from Kenton, Manitoba
Discover engaging ways to elevate learning with Lumio! Gain inspiration for incorporating Lumio seamlessly into daily routines, enhancing literacy and numeracy instruction. Explore how to use Lumio for whole-class sessions, individual activities, and collaborative skill-building. Don't miss out on unlocking the full potential of this powerful tool!
La Matematica Mi Fa Sorridere (in Italian)
Presentato da Monica Boccoli e Simonetta Anelli, insegnanti della scuola primaria di Cremona, Italia
"Adoro fare matematica!" Sarebbe bello se tutti i nostri studenti la pensassero in questo modo. Con Lumio si può iniziare la lezione con attività per rompere il ghiaccio o consolidare quanto già imparato. Ciò permetterà di affrontare la lezione con il sorriso sulle labbra e tanto entusiasmo.
Light Up your Professional Learning sessions with Lumio
Presented by Dr. Monica Alicea, Professional Learning Specialist from Marietta, Georgia
Lumio and Dual Language-Twice the Fun!
Presented by Cristina Barnett, Dual Language teacher, and Sarah Arreguin, Instructional Technology Specialist from White Settlement, Texas
Delve into the world of Dual Language teaching with Lumio. Learn how Lumio streamlines the process of creating engaging and effective lessons for bilingual classrooms, incorporating templates, graphic organizers, and games to cater to all learners. We will explore how Lumio can elevate the content and vocabulary development strategies in a Dual Language environment.
Lumio in Language Acquisition
Presented by Corinne Lyons, language arts teacher from Detroit, Michigan
In this interactive session participants will learn how to utilize Lumio in their Language Arts classroom to encourage vocabulary acquisition and deeper/higher thinking about culturally relevant text. Instructors will leave with resources to diversify their library, strategies to differentiate instruction, and increase vocabulary acquisition. This includes strategies for multilingual learners and English Language Learners.
Magnetism Exhibition with Lumio
Presented by Sam Donald Kareng, Physics teacher from Gaborone, Botswana
This session highlights using Lumio's game-based activities for assessing learning about magnetism for learners ages 16-18 years. Objectives covered are properties of magnets, magnetization methods, demagnetization methods, magnetic field and properties of field lines, and examples of uses of electromagnets.
Plan pour un travail autonome avec Lumio (in French)
Présenté par Caroline Boudreau et Mélanie Chagnon, enseignantes au primaire au Québec
Vous désirez que vos élèves puissent travailler de façon autonome dans Lumio? Rien de plus simple! Venez découvrir comment créer un plan de travail afin qu'ils puissent travailler de façon autonome. Ainsi, vous pourrez corriger différents documents simultanément sans interférer dans leur travail. Venez découvrir ce moyen efficace de garder tous vos élèves actifs!
Smart Strategies: Maximizing small groups with Lumio
Student Success Under Construction
Using Lumio in Trauma-Informed Education Practice
Presented by Benjamin Pisani, Curriculum Coordinator from Melbourne, Australia
Working in a trauma-informed environment with students who struggle to engage in learning provides quite a few challenges, some of which include getting students to connect to the learning and to share their voice. Using Lumio, we have been able to connect students to their learning, provide agency where they can share their voice and ideas, connect to the learning, and reinforce the ideas being presented. Lumio helps these students to create pathways for a bright and positive future.
Day 2 sessions
Become an Lumio Ambassador today!
Presented by Michelle Conway, Professional Development Specialist from Little Egg Harbor, New Jersey
Bring your passion for education and join us to see what the Lumio Ambassador community is all about. In this session, we'll create a Lumio activity and apply today to Lumio’s Global Professional Learning Network!
Building Blocks of Literacy: Phonemic Awareness for K-2 Students
Presented by Michelle Grinberg, Professional Development Specialist from Phoenix, Arizona
In this engaging session, participants will explore strategies, activities, and resources tailored to foster phonemic awareness in young learners. From playful phonics games to interactive exercises, educators will discover how Lumio transforms learning into an immersive adventure that lays the foundation for strong literacy skills.
Digital learning with Lumio: Giving Special Education the boost we needed!
Presented by Angelica Huskin, special education teacher from Troy, Michigan
Explore how Lumio has multiplied students' level of engagement during core content instruction in a center-based, self-contained special education middle school classroom. Lumio has been a game changer for differentiating instruction for students quickly and effectively. Explore examples of how "non-writers" are able to engage with the content by choosing from a variety of picture choices. Lumio helps to cut down on planning and prep time, leaving more time to focus on instruction and making lessons more fun and engaging.
Engaging Students in History with Lumio
Formative assessment using Lumio in the secondary classroom
Presented by Gretchen Simmons, Educational Solutions Consultant from Houston, Texas
This session explores features of Lumio that make it uniquely well suited for use in secondary classrooms to deliver instruction and engage students in collaboration, creativity, communication, and critical thinking!
Getting Started with Lumio
Illuminate your Staff Development: Empowerment through Lumio
Presented by Leigh Arnold, Dan Shinneman, and Noel Elvir, Technology Program Specialists from Palm Beach County, Florida
In today's rapidly evolving professional landscape, continuous learning and development are essential for staying ahead. Traditional methods of professional development often lack engagement and fail to provide hands-on experiences. To address this gap, we propose the integration of Lumio into your faculty meetings, professional development, and PLCs. We will model how to utilize Lumio’s collaborative and gamification tools to engage staff in professional development and meetings. Educators will be given the opportunity to collaborate with others in identifying ways to utilize Lumio’s features in their next professional meeting.
Illuminating Learning: Empower all learners with Lumio!
Presented by Dr. Monica Alicea, Professional Learning Specialist from Marietta, Georgia
Do you often wonder how to meet the needs of all your learners? Lumio is the perfect tool to support you in differentiating instruction in your classroom. This session will provide tips and examples of how you can support all your students and meet them where they are in their learning journey.
Infinite Cloner - My New Best Friend
Lumio Collaborative Workshop
Presented by Caroline Boudreau, primary school teacher from Gaspé, Quebec
Don't have time to create lots of fun activities for your students? Would you like to have access to a bank of stimulating activities? Nothing's easier than this! Come and discover all of this and more in this Lumio Collaborative Workshop.
Lumio en Français pour lire et compter (in French)
Présenté par France LeClerc, consultante dans les technologies en classe de Piémont, Québec
Dans cet atelier de 30 minutes, plusieurs exemples d'exercices de grammaire et de mathématiques, au 1er cycle du primaire, vous seront présentés. Que ce soit pour l'apprentissage de la lecture, les mots d'orthographe ou la numération, LUMIO est l'outil idéal pour faire manipuler les élèves.
Ramp up your reviews with Lumio games!
Presented by Jessica Bourdette, Instructional Technology Integration Coach from Morris County, New Jersey
In this interactive session, explore how to ramp up your content reviews and focus on the gamification of content using the features of Lumio. Regardless of content or age level, participants will learn creative strategies for transforming reviews into exciting games, fostering deeper understanding, motivation, and retention both during the unit and before a summative assessment. We will look at how to launch these review activities in a variety of structures including: student self-paced, whole class instruction, and small group learning centers using the synchronous and asynchronous features of Lumio.
Skating through Science: Constructing explanations with Lumio and PhET science simulations
Presented by Chani Barton, Technology Program Specialist from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Join us for an engaging and interactive workshop where we delve into the exciting realm of science through the innovative combination of Lumio and PhET Science Simulations. In this workshop, participants will discover dynamic ways to enhance their science curriculum and empower their students to plan investigations, carry out investigations, and construct meaningful explanations.
Stealth Lumio Professional Learning
Presented by Gemma Sanderson, Education Support Officer from Fife, UK
This session is about how Lumio can used to deliver professional learning and how this helps to train educators on Lumio via stealth! This session will include some examples of how Lumio can enhance professional learning for educators and then how this helps them to see ways to use Lumio.
Teaching English to kids with Lumio
Transforming students into creators with Lumio
Presented by Brian Lewis, Instructional Technology Coach from Elko, Georgia
In this session, you'll learn how to take content creation out of your hands and put it into the hands of your students. I will demonstrate how you can assign work in Lumio and how students can become creators with Lumio and not just consumers of technology.
Unleash the Learning Adventure with a Choice Board!
Presented by Maarit Rainio, foreign language teachers from Turku, Finland
Are you ready to turbocharge your students’ learning experience and dive into a world of endless possibilities? Introducing the ultimate tool to skyrocket the learning journey: the Color-Coded Flip Card Choice Board - the passport to an adventure through knowledge like never before. Choice Boards are perfect for differentiated instruction; a way to supply any class with multiple ways to learn, and to expose students to a variety of strategies that address many learners’ needs, interests, and learning styles.
Unleashing the power of effective Classroom Management
Presented by Robin Krupansky, Instructional Technology Integrator from Virginia Beach, Virginia
Join us as we reveal the secrets to transforming your classroom from chaos to calm. Discover time-tested, research-based strategies and techniques that have been proven to enhance student focus, drastically reduce problem behavior, and increase valuable instruction time (that you can use on Monday). Together, we'll unlock the keys to reclaiming instructional time, enhancing student learning, and setting the stage for academic growth.
WyGRYwaj z Lumio! (in Polish)
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