Let's get to the good stuff!
Join us on our social channels every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at 3:30pm ET for a 15 Minute Live with Lumio.
Engage and inspire students with Lumio features and tips and tricks from our #GoLumio team. Get ready-made resources for in-class and blended environments.
Resource catalog
Watch recordings + download class activities from previous Lumio Live days. Add resources to your lessons, or prepare for a special day.
Easy Goal Setting
Explore how you can use Lumio to help your students reflect, set meaningful goals, and stay motivated all year long
[Watch The Recording]
[Lumio Resource]
Response Tool
Explore the power of the response tool in Lumio![Watch The Recording]
[Lumio Resource]
Kid Inventors Day
Inventions, inventors, and moments that have changed the world. Foster your students' interest in science, creativity, and history.
Immersive Reader
Explore the Immersive Reader feature in Lumio!
[Watch The Recording]
[Lumio Resource]
Bye Jamboard,Hello Lumio
Learn how Lumio is the best replacement for Jamboard!
[Watch The Recording]
[Lumio Resource]
Valentine's Day
Inventions, inventors, and moments that have changed the world. Foster your students' interest in science, creativity, and history.
[Watch The Recording]
[Valentines Day Lumio Activities]
[Colored Valentine Cards]
[B&W Colored Valentine Cards]
Interactive Math
Get some tips and tricks to learn how to make math fun and engaging with Lumio!
[Watch The Recording]
[Lumio Resource]
Reading Comprehension & Choice Boards
Learn how Lumio can make reading comprehension interactive and support student choice.
[Watch The Recording]
[Lumio Resource]
Pi Day
With Lumio, Math is as easy as... Pi! Discover addition and subtraction manipulatives, and edit your own multiplication practice games.
[Watch The Recording]
[Pi Day Lumio Activities]
[Download the PDF Activity Kit]
Proofreading Day
We all make mistakes! Whether it's a grammar goof, spelling mix-up, or just going too fast, National Proofreading Day is a time to remind ourselves (and our students) to slow down.
[Watch The Recording]
[Download Lumio Activities]
Culturally Responsive Read Aloud
Dive into how to use the read-aloud tool for culturally responsive learning.
[Watch The Recording]
[Lumio Resource]
Earth Day
Inspire students and go GREEN with Lumio! Celebrate Earth Day and share ready-made lessons for preserving and protecting our planet.[Watch The Recording]
[Earth Day Lumio Activities]
[Download the PDF Activity Kit]
Social Emotional Learning & Social Scenes
Explore activities centred around acts of kindness and SEL!
[Watch The Recording]
[Lumio Resource]
Magic Tunnel in Lumio
Discover how to build a magic tunnel in Lumio to wow your students!
[Watch The Recording]
[Lumio Resource]
Lost Sock Memorial Day
Knock your students' socks off with Lumio! Discover how to customize games and activities while keeping students focused with your software SOLE mate.
[Watch The Recording]
[Lost Sock Day Memorial Lumio Activities]
[Download the PDF Activity Kit]
Comic Book Day
Unleash YOUR Lesson Superpowers with Lumio! ⚡💛 Tune in for a conversation with New York Times best-selling author and award-winning comic artist Raúl the Third.
Shout It Out!
Learn about this fun and interactive feature that encourages discussion and whole class participation
[Watch The Recording]
[Lumio Resource]
Vocabulary and Word Search
Discover how to use graphic organizers to help students dig deep into vocabulary and explore the word search activity!
[Watch The Recording]
[Lumio Resource]
Math 2.0 Day
Knock your students' socks off with Lumio! Discover how to customize games and activities while keeping students focused with your software SOLE mate.
[Watch The Recording]
[Math 2.0 Day Lumio Activities]
[Download the PDF Activity Kit]
Space Exploration Day
Knock your students' socks off with Lumio! Discover how to customize games and activities while keeping students focused with your software SOLE mate.
Rank Order
Discover this customizable game that can be used in a variety of different ways to check for understanding with your students.
[Watch The Recording]
[Lumio Resource]
Instructional Audio
[Watch The Recording]
[Lumio Resource]
Book Lovers Day
Treat 'yo shelf with Lumio! Save time, empower learners, and promote learning with tools to create immersive book reports, and foster reading skills.
[Watch The Recording]
[Immersive Reader Activity]
[Shout It Out Activity]
[Download the Monster Bookmarks]
Accessibility & The Lumio Library
Enhance your lessons to make them more accessible with the Lumio Library and Lumio features.
[Watch The Recording]
[Lumio Resource]
Attach Audio
Explore this brand-new feature for you and your students! Great for guided learning and giving your students another way to demonstrate their learning.
[Watch The Recording]
[Lumio Resource]
Talk Like a Pirate Day
X marks the spot! Uncover hidden treasure with Lumio and discover how to transform lessons in seconds, create immersive activities, and engage your learners.
[Watch The 2021 Recording]
[Watch The 2022 Recording]
[Talk Like a Pirate Day 2021 Activities]
[Talk Like a Pirate Day 2022 Activities]
[Download the PDF Activity Kit]
International Dot Day
Make your mark with a series of activities focused on self-reflection, empowerment, and more!
[Watch The 2023 Recording]
[Dot Day 2023 Activities]
[Growth Mindset Digital Stickers]
Monster Quiz!
Explore the beloved Monster Quiz in Lumio.
[Watch The Video]
[Watch The 2023 Video]
[ Lumio Resource]
Hands-On Learning
Learn about the many features and tools Lumio has to bring hands-on learning experiences to your classroom.
[Watch The Video]
[ Lumio Resource]
World Teachers' Day
Teachers around the world - let's come together! combine your teaching resources, save time, enhance content with interactive lessons and games, and effortlessly switch between teacher-paced and student-paced learning!
[Watch The 2021 Video]
[Watch the 2022 Video]
[World Teachers Day Lumio Activities]
[World Teachers' Day Resources]
World Space Week
Explore our awesome collaboration with PhET Simulations and receive out of this world take-away resources.
[Watch The 2023 Video]
[World Space Week Lumio Activities]
Explore the importance of student choice!
Providing students with choices boosts engagement by empowering them to take ownership of their learning, which enhances motivation and participation. It also promotes personalized learning by allowing students to align tasks with their interests and strengths, while developing critical thinking and decision-making skills as they evaluate options and reflect on their learning process.
[Watch The 2024 Video]
[ Lumio Resource]
Explore ways to make critical thinking accessible!
Encouraging students to think critically equips them with skills to analyze information, question assumptions, and make reasoned decisions. This skill fosters problem-solving, creativity, and independence, essential in both academics and life. Learn how to use Lumio's activities to support with critical thinking.
[Watch The 2024 Video]
[ Lumio Resource]
World Kindness Day
Teachers around the world - let's come together! combine your teaching resources, save time, enhance content with interactive lessons and games, and effortlessly switch between teacher-paced and student-paced learning!
Infinite Cloner
Explore Infinite Cloner in Lumio and get interactive resources centred around gratitude for your classroom.
[Watch The 2023 Video]
[ Lumio Resource]
Quick Check-Ins
Create quick check-ins with Lumio - it's as easy as 1-2-3! Discover how graphic organizers and whole-class whiteboards can be used to engage your students.
[Watch The 2023 Video]
[ Lumio Resource]
Student Feedback!
Sharing the different ways you can provide student feedback on handouts.
[Watch The 2024 Video]
[ Lumio Resource]
Official Lost & Found Day
Find ways to save time, prevent students from feeling lost, and discover the right tools for engagement.
[Watch The Recording]
[Official 'Flurry of Fun' Activity]
[Official 'Snowflake Science' Activity]
[Download the PDF Activity Kit]
Lumio Library
Explore the thousands of ready-made resources in the Lumio Library, designed to save you time!
[Watch The 2023 Video]
[ Lumio Resource]