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Game-based learning platform and MORE!

Lumio is a digital learning tool for transforming lessons into active, collaborative learning experiences that engage students on their own devices.

Lumio lets teachers level up any lesson with increased interactivity, collaboration, and game-based learning.

Sign up now with your Google or Microsoft email address. 


Get it FREE

What teachers love most about Lumio


A variety of games!

In addition to formative assessments and multiple-choice quizzes, Lumio provides a variety of game-based activities including competitive and collaborative games and templates.

Instantly add an activity to your lesson and customize it for any content you want to teach.

From Monster Quiz to Match 'Em Up to Super Sort the learning possibilities are endless. Your students will want to play more!  


Add games to your lessons today

Lumio Games v2 (500x500px)



Better collaboration!

Collaborate individually, in pairs, in small groups or together with the whole class Lumio does it all.

Any lesson page can become a workspace where students co-create using ink, shapes, lines, text, and images for free-form collaboration. 

All while you're monitoring their progress and providing feedback in real time.


Start collaborating now

Lumio shared workspace and attribution (500x500px)



Greater flexibility!

Lumio supports a variety of teaching and learning practices within a single solution!

Start with content you have by combining different file types (PDFs, Google Slides, PowerPoint and Notebook files) into a single Lumio lesson. Then enhance it with various interactive elements.  

You can also toggle between student- and teacher-paced delivery.  

For even more flexibility, you can add content on the fly and in two clicks make any lesson page a collaborative workspace. 


Teach with more flexibility now

Lumio Greater Flexibility (500 x 500 px)


Lumio rocks! My students love using the activities. They love the music, the monsters and their independence (by using their devices). I like that I can make something or change something to fit my content in just a few minutes.
Gretchen Monahan
Bob Young
I can choose what content I want to place in my lesson and include game-based activities that let them practice what they’ve learned. It gives them instant feedback and my students beg to play more.
Bob Young
Avital Aharon
Lumio brings the content of teaching to life – it demonstrates to the student the objectives and lesson facts and engages students in real time. Students are amazed by the interactivity, gamification and ease of use as are teachers.
Avital Aharon
Director of Educational Technology

More and more educators are using Lumio to enhance learning. You can too!

Educators Love Lumio (1920 × 500 px)




Connect your IT Team and bring Lumio to your school today. 


Talk to our Lumio experts


What is Lumio?

A digital learning tool that makes it easy to turn your PDFs, Google Slides, PowerPoint and Notebook files into engaging lessons with interactive activities, games, group workspaces, and formative assessment built right in. 

Sign up now with your Google or Microsoft email address.


Get it for FREE